Career Death by Stagnation

Spending your entire career at one company was once the thing to do.

It was stable.
You had a pension.
You were respected for your loyalty to the company.

Somewhere along the line though, it turned from a positive, to a neutral. In some cases, actually a negative.

I can't tell you how many people reach out to me saying they feel stuck...stale and tapped out at their current employer after 15, 20 years. But now they have this stigma about them when they try to go to a new employer.

Because they haven't started at a new company in so long, they are sometimes institutionalized. Nervous. Scared to even try. And when they finally do, they are often met with resistance.

I got this note from a candidate just last week. I don't have any openings in her field at the moment, but she's searching and has kept me apprised:

"I’ve had six interviews… all went well but my long tenure at my current company is holding me back. Everyone questions why I want to leave… to that I respond I have plateaued and have more to give. Who ever knew that dedication could be a factor that would hamper growth so much!! For those in the 35+ crowd this could be a lesson."

She's not wrong. Of all the "Open to Work" banners I see, when I view profiles, so many of them have been at one company for 15+ years.

I'm not saying it's wrong to stick with a company you love. I am simply saying that if you do choose to stay, be aware you may face an uphill battle if and when you choose to leave.

I really, truly do believe that change is good!


Underwriting is a Sales job.


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