Are you a “woman’s woman”?

Ladies: Are you a "woman's woman"?

Do you mentor and guide other women without regard for how it could help you?

Do you share your wisdom or keep it guarded for fear of someone one-upping you?

Do you offer genuine, unsolicited compliments and recognition when someone does something great?

Do you lock arms with other successful women vs being threatened by them?

Women's women can be hard to find, but having them in your network (better yet, in your close inner circle) is a game changer.

I'm fortunate to have a number of WW's in my network. Beth Rosenberger is one of the best. She presented at an employee hiring/retention seminar I attended yesterday, (In true Beth fashion, she killed it.)

Beth has been an amazing mentor to me in my business, and has become a great friend along the way. She is a constant reminder of the importance of paying it forward, and empowering other women. I owe much of my business success to her expertise, mentoring and cheerleading.

I challenge you to shift your mindset from,
"She is super successful, she is a threat"
"She is super successful, what can I learn from her and how can we partner?"

I promise you, there is SO much to be gained from doing this.

The way I look at it, "she" is not my competition.
My only competition is ME.
To do better, be better, than I was yesterday.

Are ya with me, ladies? 😉


Career Death by Stagnation


Don’t be Afraid to Fire a Client.