Working Moms: This is for you.

This morning as I stood at my kitchen sink, I looked out and saw a parent wrangling 2 tiny children into the car. It was chilly and still dark outside.

It took me back to November 2016 - our daughter was 2. I had a 50 minute commute to the office. I would bundle her up and tuck her sleepy little body in my car at 6:30 so I could have her to daycare by 7, and be in the office by 8.

At 4:30 I'd leave the office to pick her up by 5:30. It was dark on my drive back. We'd head home and we'd have just 2 hours together before putting her to bed.

I remember feeling accomplished and proud...

But also exhausted, sad and cheated.

We live in a world that, for the most part, demands 2 incomes to thrive.

As a Xennial, women my age were raised to think we can be/do anything, encouraged to get an education to be able to execute on those dreams - but then forced to choose between being a career boss or a present mother just as we're starting to get our feet under us.

Is it asking too much to want both?

Personally, I don't think so.

In the grand scheme of life (and working years), it's only a few short years that kids really demand that intense time and attention of us. And thus, a short window where parents need that extra grace and flexibility.

In order to benefit from all the knowledge and amazing talent of women in the workplace, we must acknowledge this challenge and be willing to bend where we can. Otherwise, we're missing out on the value and contributions of an incredible group of potential workers.

I chose to go into business for myself to gain that freedom and flexibility - but it doesn't have to be that way. Employers can accommodate this too!

Ever hear the saying, "If you need something done, give it to a busy person?" There are few people out there juggling more than working mothers. Give them the flexibility they need, and you'll find they are some of your very best team members.

I know it's not an easy, overnight switch you can flip. But if you make strides to GIVE to your team, you'll find they are GIVING right back in the form of quality work, drive, dedication, and loyalty.

Remember, today you are not only competing against your peer companies for talent, but also with options outside your industry. If you doubt it, a simple Google search of "Affiliate Marketing" will show you what I'm talking about: substantial chunks of money being made on social media by SAH mom's. 🤷‍♀️


Why I Almost Didn’t Start My Business


Sales is not for everyone.