Underwriters: How to Get More New Business

Hey, Underwriters -

Wanna know an easy way to separate yourself from your competitors?

Answer your phone. ☎️

Underwriters love to dodge phone calls and send emails instead. I was absolutely guilty of it in the early days of my career because it was easier to figure out the answer and respond by email, than feel uncomfortable not knowing the answer on the phone.

It's also tempting to dodge a call from an agent who you know is pissed off about something (like an email you just sent in lieu delivering bad news via a phone callπŸ˜‚).

I can't tell you how many agents would tell me what a great job I did back when I was an underwriter. When I'd ask why, their feedback was always the same: "You pick up, you get back to us, you respond".

I thought they were just blowing smoke but when I moved to the agency side as a producer I realized what they'd meant. I saw it daily - so many underwriters just...didn't care and never answered.

Producers have tough jobs.

Sometimes you need an answer quickly.
Sometimes it's simply realizing that it's a lot more effective to have a quick phone conversation than craft a long email.
It's also better for the relationship to deliver bad news that way.

Answer your phone often and you'll find you have a leg up on your competition.

Bet you didn't think it was that easy, did you? πŸ˜‰

I've been on this the giving and receiving end of this, having been both and underwriter and producer. It matters!!


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