Recruiting Tips for Brokers & Carriers

If you're a broker or carrier on the hunt to fill open positions and you've decided to DIY it, here are some tips:

1. Understand that salaries are ⬆️. I liken it to the real estate market. We sold our house last year for a lot more than it seemed we should've (like many others). But, the market warranted it so... 🤷‍♀️ Supply and demand, friends. The supply is low, the demand is high and that = higher salaries.

2. If your budget doesn't allow for paying top dollar to steal a seasoned candidate, hire for personality/aptitude and train.

3. Choose personality over resume - every time. Skills can be learned. Insurance is a people business - Agencies with AM's and Producers that clients like interacting with will mean better new biz production and retention. Carriers having underwriters and marketing reps with great personalities who get stuff done will make for agencies wanting to give those carriers more business. PERSONALITY IS KING IN THESE ROLES.

4. If you're requiring people be in an office more than 2 days a week, you are at a disadvantage. 5 days in-office and you're totally out of step with the market.

5. Culture matters - people want more out of life and work than ever before. Culture isn't a ping pong table in your breakroom. It's giving people the flexibility to juggle a career and a homelife. Being generous with time off and remote work. Getting rid of toxic employees even if they are top sales people (yes, really!). Supporting causes that are important to your teams. You'll be surprised how much harder people will work when they feel valued and appreciated.

6. Ask your best people if they have any great industry contacts and give meaningful financial incentives to refer them. (If they won't refer, you've probably got a culture or compensation problem.)

7. Now is a good time to search - annual bonuses are often paid out in March/April for 2023's performance, so now's a great time to begin the scouting/interview process - they'll be ready to bounce by the time they get their check.

If you're searching for candidates online, it's simply a numbers game - you have to make some general assumptions:
✅ Someone who's been somewhere 20+ years probably isn't going to make a move
✅ If you're a tiny shop, targeting folks at the large nationals probably isn't going to fly (for several reasons)
✅ Your pitch has to be something unique to cut thru the noise
✅ Leverage your network - if you see someone who looks like a fit and you have mutual connections, ask for an intro
✅ LinkedIn is a great tool but remember that not everyone checks it daily, so consider other programs that give you access to phone numbers and emails (yes these cost money, and is why a recruiter can often make sense)

Wishing you all a ROCKIN' 2024 ~ I've already had 3 offers accepted for candidates to start new jobs this month. People are moving! 💪


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